Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Diamond Blade is a Man’s Best Friend

Unknown  /  at  8:05 PM  /  No comments

Who says diamonds are just girls’ best friend? Because diamonds are equated as engagement rings for women this does not mean that diamonds have no used for men either. Though there are cufflinks with a diamond or two for men, there is another use for diamonds as well. They are not just ornament but they can also be used for construction as power tools such as diamond core bit and diamond blades. They can be easily used by construction workers for cutting any materials. It is a fact that diamonds are actually for both men and women and they can be used not just as an ornament but for other useful activities as well.

Credit: wikipedia

Diamonds have always been used in conjunction with precious metals as jewelry. They have been used for hundreds of years in Europe as a means to show one’s social standing but studies show that they have been used thousands of years before that for a different matter all together. Diamonds were used in China to polish ceremonial burial axes. In ancient China, burying of the dead is a serious business because of their patriarchal society. They value their ancestors hence they must be given proper burial. Most burial axes were made of a very strong material called corundum that can only be polished by diamonds. These axes are polished hard until it resembles a mirror before it can used by the Chinese in the old days. This finding just goes to show how good diamonds are in cutting objects.

Diamonds are also considered one of the hardest stones to cut and because of that characteristic; it then became useful for cutting. Gem stones were very hut to cut by other means except with the use of diamonds. There are very few items that can cut hard materials but it is not impossible with a diamond. It is one of the precious stones that can cut any hard material that is why it is now used for industrial purposes.

Most saw blades in the past had difficulty in cutting objects and with the invention of other materials in construction like asphalt, ceramics, stones, concrete, bricks, glass, and other hard materials, it has become more difficult. However, with the invention of the diamond blade, the difficulty of cutting abrasive materials is a thing of the past. This type of blade is encrusted with diamonds for perfect cutting precision. It is not impossible to cut any object with the use of this kind of blade.

A diamond blade comes in many shapes and sizes depending on the type of equipment it houses and depending on their use as well. It would be better to select the type of blade that would best fit a person’s need. Be it used for a major construction or for simple remodeling, there is a diamond blade that would fit anyone’s needs.

Posted in: , , Posted on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014


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